Monday, November 3, 2014

Art Isn't Really Stupid - But Sometimes It Looks That Way.

November is a busy month.  The good news for you is that means I won't be writing much in my posts.  Let's get to the pictures.
Here are some artists who like relaxing at the beach

 hanging out at the cabana
hold on...
just where is this leading?
Here are some artists that like a more urban setting
 This artist is very hot
 Is Jack home?
Don't worry - I won't keep you long
the skateboarder said this was fun
no - I don't want to feed the fish
Do humans have to be involved?
 I don't know
sometimes nature
and animals
find an aesthetic
Which is not to deny how objects display art
 In the hanging of a print
 In the jolting of a memory
in a moment of whimsy 
or awe
Or as Bob Ross would tell us
in living each day

Here's a vid

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