Thursday, February 12, 2015

In Support of Two Spaces

The punctuation police are after me.  They’ll probably catch me too, because I take the time to put that extra space between sentences – that extra space for quality and clarity. (space, space)  That extra space to contemplate, to savor the sentence just ended before plowing on to the unknown expressions and sentiments to follow.  I put an extra space at the end of each sentence because I care – not only for the quality of my work, but to show my personal appreciation of you… the reader.
Not buying it?
Alright – it’s just because I’m used to it.
The language police are after me.  They’ll probably catch me too, because I frequently use the single word, alright instead of the two words all right.  I thought both forms were acceptable, two words to denote that all things are right, and one word to show that everything is OK.  I was doing it for clarity, because I care – not only for the quality of my work, but to show my personal appreciation of you… the reader.
Not buying it?
OK – it’s just because I’m used to it.
The abbreviation police are after me.  They’ll probably catch me too, because I use the capital letters OK instead of including periods after each letter.  They tell me if I want to skip the periods, I should write okay instead.  Alright, OK, I’m not going to BS you.  I don’t care about the clarity.  I don’t care about the quality.  I don’t even care about you… the reader.
I just want to get these grammar, punctuation, abbreviation police off my back.  I just want to write my blog in peace.
So I will continue to use a hyphen – instead of a dash -- to show an elongated pause in my sentence.  I will still think of @ to denote approximately instead of at.  I will call # the number sign instead of pound sign (the nineteen nineties) or hashtag (the two thousand teens.)  I will continue to write and understand the language as I learned it (or thought I learned it,) when I was in Mrs. Buswick’s 7th grade English class.
And if the punctuation, grammar, abbreviation, and English nomenclature police find me and put me away in a parenthesis shaped cell, I won’t complain, I won’t bother people who drop the soap in the shower, I won’t make trouble for anyone.  I’ll just sit in my cell, write my blog, and eat Pop Tarts.

But I’ll still leave two spaces after each period.

Yes - I may have used the vid before - but the Grammar Police are already after me so...

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